calories fat egg salad sandwich

Calories in Salad Sandwich - Calorie, Fat, Carb, Fiber, & Protein Info.
Calories in Egg Salad Sandwich - Calorie, Fat, Carb, Fiber, and.
Nutritional information for egg salad sandwich | Health Facts.
M&S Count on Us Egg Salad sandwich nutrition facts and nutritional information. . Track all major nutrients - calories, fat, protein, carbs, sugar, fiber, cholesterol .
Find calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for Bill's Egg Salad Sandwich on. Track all major nutrients - calories, fat, protein, carbs, sugar, fiber, cholesterol .
Calories in Homemade Egg Salad Sandwich W/ Fat Free Miracle.
Calories: 299 | Protein: 12 g | Carbs: 32 g | Fat: 13 g | Fiber: NA | Serving:. Nutritional summary of "Egg Salad Sandwich": The trans fat content of this food has .
There are 86 calories in 1 ounce of Egg Salad Sandwich. Get full nutrition facts and other common serving sizes of Egg Salad Sandwich including 100 g and 1 .
Curious about how many calories are in Egg Salad Sandwich (Egg Bun)? Get nutrition information and sign up for. Calories from Fat. 280280. aily Value*.
Find calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for Egg Salad Sandwich and over. Serving Size: 1 sandwich, Calories: 430, Fat: 27g, Carbs: 35g, Protein: 12g.
calories fat egg salad sandwich
Calories in Corner Bakey Sandwich Moms Egg Salad On White.
Calories in michel's baguette - Egg Salad Sandwich (Egg Bun.
Calories in 100 g of Egg Salad Sandwich and Nutrition. - FatSecret.
Other User Submitted Calorie Info Matching: Salad Sandwich. Johnny Rocket'S Egg Salad Sandwich (1 serving). calories: 700, fat: 49g, carbs: 40g, protein: 26g.
Find calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for Egg Salad Sandwich and over. Farmhouse Salad With Non Fat Vinaigrette, Everything on It Except for Egg and .
Egg Salad Sandwich -
Find calories, carbs, and nutritional contents for Egg Salad Sandwich and over. Serving Size: 1 Sandwich, Calories: 500, Fat: 27g, Carbs: 47g, Protein: 30g.
Egg Salad Sandwich Calories and Health Benefits. Breakdown. Nutritional Breakdown. Daily Values. Daily Values (based on a 2000 calorie diet). Legend: Fat .
Little's Egg Salad Sandwich 3oz with Cape Cod Reduced Fat Chips.